Archived News for June 2003:
Another real update. :) I think I got back into the groove to make these things. ^_^

Added: Kirby Running - Wing.
Posted by CyberBotX at 5:20am -0400 on 6-30-2003

And another. :)

Added: Kirby Running - Cutter.
Posted by CyberBotX at 5:39am -0400 on 6-30-2003
Oh no, I actually made a REAL update! I added an actual game animation to the site! It's been, what, 4 months since I did that? XD Anyways...

Added: Kirby Running - Fire.
Posted by CyberBotX at 7:45am -0400 on 6-29-2003

Since I was at work, and I always had planned on doing this, I have added page counters to almost every page on the site. The part that says unique visits per day really means how many unique visitors total, but based on a unique visit being once a day. Then of course, every time the page is accessed on the server, it's a page view. :) Right now, it's very simplistic, but eventually I'll make it easier for me to handle and maybe use images later on.
Posted by CyberBotX at 8:35pm -0400 on 6-29-2003
Well, you may notice some of the pages loading just a little bit faster now. I have recently learned that adding the width and height of the images into the "img" tag greatly helps the browser, since it doesn't need to resize the tables every time after that. So the images themselves should load a bit faster too. Also, I have made every single page on my site valid to the HTML 4.01 Transitional standard, as noted by the presence of the W3C HTML 4.01 check images on each page. This basically means that unless you have an older browser that is unable to view HTML 4.01, the pages shouldn't cause you an problems.

I also forgot to mention this, but for anyone who reads ZenGyro's comic, Beyond the Pixel, and plays in his weekly FFRPG sessions, I have put a link to a page with all the logs for his FFRPG campaign since he started it about 9 months ago. Fun times, all around. :)
Posted by CyberBotX at 7:11pm -0400 on 6-24-2003
If you haven't already noticed the new thing at the bottom of the main page, I've been making my web pages HTML 4.01 Transitonal valid. Maybe if I feel like it I'll make them HTML 4.01 Strict valid, but right now, I'm happy to say that my pages probably won't screw up a web browser too much. ^_^
Posted by CyberBotX at 4:41am -0400 on 6-20-2003
If anyone was looking at the website within the last 1½ hours, you may have noticed things not working for a moment, then working again. This was due to my wanting to clean up some of my PHP source code and screwing things up. However, I have fixed just about everything, made things work in a way I want them, and the site should be working as it normally was.

In other news, I added a link to The_Capn'sIf you haven't already noticed the new thing at the bottom of the main page, I've been making my web pages HTML 4.01 Transitonal valid. Maybe if I feel like it I'll make them HTML 4.01 Strict valid, but right now, I'm happy to say that my pages probably won't screw up a web browser too much. ^_^
Posted by CyberBotX at 8:00am -0400 on 6-14-2003

Let this be a note to all people that write code: Runtime errors suck. Thank you. I now return you to the normal insanity that is my website.
Posted by CyberBotX at 8:46pm -0400 on 6-14-2003
Well, I have been going through my site and doing some slight changes to them, mainly because I found a way to much more efficiently do the tables. I also added a small (or is it) additional note about how my page is not dial-up friendly. Sucks to be you if you are on dial-up, but that's what happens when your site is so graphics intenstive. One last note, I have added a link to the website I did for Ettin's comic, it's under the news archive.
Posted by CyberBotX at 2:29am -0400 on 6-12-2003

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